Friday, October 30, 2015

Wining about Yogurt

I got some free yogurt on the way in from work, it tastes blech!  I don't really like the taste of wine either, but when I drink it I like to have something opposite to go with it, so a sip on wine then a nibble of cheese...  I have a feeling yogurt is 'opposite' enough of wine that they would be a good thing to pair with it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Train on Time

I wonder how closely freight trains run to their schedules.  I think I assumed they always ran pretty much on time - probably because of logic problems about them I did when I was a kid - I got blocked by one today for a couple minutes and I realized I unthinkingly made a bad assumption.

Salt Lick

I stepped out for lunch today, I think I have some sort of low level sickness, maybe for a week - Most tastes are muted.  I just put some salt on my tongue to check, and its taste was muted.  I remember times when I was sick, and I nearly could not taste salt.  But besides taste, the only other symptom I have is a slightly stuffy nose, and with heaters turning on for winter, that seems like a red herring.


I often tell people things that cross my mind, and decided, hey why not post them where, perhaps someday, someone who is interested in them can see them, so here goes!